Saturday 13 December 2014

Slowly putting a 3D engine together

For the past couple of weeks I've been happily tinkering away at my little 3D engine in what little spare time I have. It is getting to the point where all the basic ingredients are there. It is now a matter of expanding and improving it, it'll still take months before it becomes something useful but thats not the point. If I wanted something useful I'd just download unity or unreal, this is all about learning and having fun.

Now I'm not going to write a tutorial on how to build an engine, or to get started with OpenGL or anything like that. There are hundreds of such tutorials out there. I may try and find some time to write about some of the pitfalls I encountered so far so people can avoid those. The biggest issue I've found so far is that OpenGL has evolved immensely over the years (and the same probably applies to Direct X) and so many tutorials out there have become obsolete as a result. You can't see the wood for the trees.

The biggest challenge was switching over to OpenGL 3/4 where the old fixed pipeline has basically been removed. While many tutorials already make heavy use of programmable shaders they often still rely on other parts that are now deprecated or nonfunctional such as the build in projection and view matrices which you need to take care off yourself in OpenGL 3.

The other one I'll mention just in case it helps someone is that code simply will not function unless you use Vertex Array Objects and as this was an optional before OpenGL 3.0 many tutorials skip over that step. It literally took me a few nights staring at a black screen before figuring that one out. Yes I was using VBOs but without the context provided by a VAO...
VAOs are little special btw, they are simply a container of state that allow you to quickly switch between. So instead of selecting the correct vertex buffer, array buffer, and some other nitbits before rendering each model, you setup that state for a VAO associated with your model once and then make it the active VAO before rendering. Without a VAO there is no state and there thus is nothing to render.

For those who wish to start doing things in OpenGL the hard way, I'm using:
GLFW as a cross platform framework (now that GLUT is defunct)
GLEW as an extension manager
I'm using my own math and 3D primitives classes that I've slowly put together over years of tinkering but I don't recommend doing so. A great math library that suits OpenGL fairly well is GLM, I'm tempted to switch as it is far more complete then my own hobby stuff.

The engine itself uses a deferred lighting technique. Together with shadow mapping this means rendering a scene goes through 3 phases:
- rendering the shadow maps
- rendering the geography buffers
- final output with lighting
The deferred lighting technique I'm not using to its fullest yet but that will come soon.

I've also added stereoscopic support currently geared to what my 3D TV is capable off but I hope to get my hands on a RIFT some day (soon).

Basically there are three parts of my engine I'm working on in Parallel.

The first is a terrain system that now runs fully on the GPU based on a height-map. I'll spend a separate blog post on that some time in the near future once its a little further along. I recently learned about Dual Contouring to render more complex terrain and am tempted to explore that avenue though for my purposes my current approach may be more then sufficient and the best bang for buck performance wise.

The second is an atmosfere rendering that takes care of the background. At this point in time it only does mie and rayleigh scattering mostly based on this article about Sky Rendering. The plan is to mix in a night sky, moon and clouds.

The third allows for managing and rendering 3D models. At the heart of the system is a BSP tree with a build in LOD system. Neither of which I'm using yet but they are an essential part of create larger worlds. Again I'll talk about those in more detail when I'm further along.

The focus for me at the moment is once we get to a point where a model at a certain LOD is visible and needs to be rendered. I recently started using a very high poly model of a city which I found here: Damaged Downtown on
This model is the worst for what it is I want to do, but as a result its perfect to start improving the engine with.
First off this is a model (split into 3 sub models) of an entire city. That means 90% of what is being rendered is invisible.
Second, everything is at full detail regardless of how far away something is.
Third, the texturing on this thing is insane, nearly every face has its own texture coordinates. This isn't a wide problem for the format the model is stored in but for OpenGL it means that each face needs its own unique vertices and no vertices are shared. For nearly 4 million faces that means 12 million vertices. Thats a LOT.

If I would redo this city in a way that my engine is designed to work it would be setup very differently and eventually I'll get there. But for now it serves its purpose and this is where I am at right now:

So yeah, that is 8.4 frames per second on a 2.6 Ghz I7 Retina Macbook Pro. Nothing to write home about. As it is a static scene I also don't need to redo the shadowmaps every frame or the frame rate would be closer to 2 frames per second.

The challenge for the weeks to come is to get this down as close as I can get to 60 fps.

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